Cuba has experienced a failure in its power systems, leaving millions in the country in the dark. According to this article, the blackout happened partly because of "increased demand from small and medium-sized companies and residences' air conditioners…[and] due to breakdowns in [the] old thermoelectric plants that haven't been properly maintained and the lack of fuel to operate some facilities."
increased demands + lack of maintenance + lack of fuel = breakdown
When I read the article, I couldn't help but think about preachers. Too many pastors are breaking down due to increased demands and lack of self-care. Some are wandering down dark paths which lead to disqualification from ministry. Others are burning out, quitting, or just going through the motions without experiencing joy.
Brethren, we are not robots! We are not machines! Without proper care, we will break down. Even the robots break down! As humans, we need the regular maintenance of exercise, rest, and recreation. We also need the infusion of the fuel of proper nutrition, spiritual instruction, and prayer. In addition, we must rely on our true source of power, the Holy Spirit.
The demands of ministry are not lessening. Like those air conditioners in Cuba, they will continue pulling at our power supply. We all would be wise to follow the counsel Jesus gave His disciples so long ago.
He said to them, “Come away by yourselves to a remote place and rest for a while.” For many people were coming and going, and they did not even have time to eat. - Mark 6:31 CSB
“(Mark 6:31) is a must for every Christian. If you don’t come apart, you will come apart!” Vance Havner