It takes blood, sweat, and tears to earn one. Thousands of hours of practice, grueling routines, and early mornings. Many athletes have given their entire lives toward the goal of receiving one - an Olympic medal.
Sadly, more than one hundred of the medals awarded at the 2024 games are already rusting.* They will be replaced, but the story reminded me of an important lesson. All of the accolades, awards, and trophies we receive here are fading. They will rust, tarnish, gather dust, and one day burn up.
Don’t misunderstand; I love watching the Olympics, and I have nothing against trophies. I even have a few medals hanging in my study while I’m typing this, but earthly rewards fade. I don’t ever want to forget that!
As pastors, we must guard against the danger of laboring for the pat on the back here instead of the “well done” there. It is possible to labor constantly, build a huge ministry, and be recognized, lauded, and rewarded but lose out on heavenly rewards.
It comes down to our motives.
Why are we doing what we’re doing?
Who are we truly doing it for?
What are we really trying to accomplish?
One day, we will stand before the Judgment Seat of Christ, and all of our labors will be examined. What a tragedy it would be to have all of our work burn up. To see a lifetime of labor lying in ashes at the feet of King Jesus.
Today, take the time to come before the Lord and honestly examine your motives.
Are you laboring for your kingdom or His?
Confess any sin, make the necessary changes, and labor on for Him alone. You’ll never regret it.
All the kingdoms built, all the trophies won
Will crumble into dust when it's said and done
'Cause all that really mattered
Did I live the truth to the ones I love?
Was my life the proof that there is only One
Whose name will last forever?
And I, I don't want to leave a legacy
I don't care if they remember me
Only Jesus
And I, I've only got one life to live
I'll let every second point to Him
Only Jesus